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Updated: Aug 6, 2023

In the beginning, after God created man in his own image and everything else, he said “it was very good.” There was no exception to this even if human standards may say otherwise about fellow humans. As we grow in our mothers’ wombs, we know today, how her stresses when she was carrying us can have a significant negative impact on our lives. I am going to call these negative things that significantly impact our lives “dirt”.

As we grow outside the womb, we continue to experience negative things but now we have the ability to process them in some way. There are times we process the things that happen to us in a certain way and here is where the limiting beliefs and the stories we will keep telling ourselves throughout life, begins. This also means that we now throw “dirt” on ourselves too.

The dirt comes from your schoolteacher telling you, you’re so dumb you can’t teach a flower. The additional dirt comes when you now believe you are dumb. From womb to tomb we will have “dirt” thrown on us from all angles including ourselves. The dirt can come from a range of events in your life from falling off a bike, being bitten by a dog, being bullied, being thrown in a pool when you didn’t know how to swim, quarrelling with a friend to observing domestic abuse, sexual molestation etc. All have an effect on you.

As a result you start making certain conclusions about yourself, people, your situation or God. You don’t ride a bike anymore because you fell and hurt yourself. "Bikes are the enemy". Dirt. "Dogs will maul you to death!" This is mine even though I haven’t been bitten by a dog, but I’ve been chased by one. "There is no point having friends because they end up fighting and bullying you". Dirt. "Swimming! No way!" Dirt. "Its best to be single then no one will abuse you in your own house". Dirt. You don’t date or commit because "women/men are predators and can’t be trusted". Dirt.

Why I am calling it dirt is because that is not how you were created. You were made in the image of God, and this is why on the 6th day he looked at his creation and said it was very good. If you are made in the image of God, it also means there is divine intelligence in you. Knowing this will then let you know that the teacher who called you dumb, is nothing but an employee of the devil with a salary that will steal, kill and destroy her, if she doesn’t see the Light.

Imagine making delicious pancakes and for some reason you find someone has placed one in a huge pot of porridge. You know how you made the pancake, you know it was not meant to be dunked into porridge or sit in a pot of porridge. What would you do? First of all, I love pancakes and I love the ones I make. If it was me, I would take the pancake out, clean it up in some way to restore it to what I made it for, consumption.

I believe this is how God sees all this “dirt“ thrown at us and the ones we’ve unknowingly added on to ourselves. He knows he made us with precision and artistry that cannot be fully studied and understood by all the geniuses in the world, separately or combined. We are fearfully and beautifully made. He sees all the dirt, knows exactly where it’s come from and wants to clean it off because that is not how he made us. The difference with the pancake situation is that God is a gentleman and with the free will he gave you, which is your power, he will not clean you up, unless you give him the go ahead. Love is not controlling nor does it overpower you.

He knows the clean up will be good for you because not only did he create you beautifully without dirt, but he also didn’t create you with any limiting belief. Paul taught us we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. He didn’t create us to make sense of the negative events that have happened to us by telling ourselves stories like, “I am dumb” “I was raped because I was wearing a short skirt” “as a man its not possible to be raped, I must have wanted it because my body responded” “I’m not a people person” etc. In addition to that he did not create you with a spirit of fear, which is behind the blocks and barriers that prevent us from doing what we deeply desire and what we know would light up our soul.

When you reach a point where you want better for yourself, because you are tired of living a life of fear, holding back, sadness, depression, anxiety, i.e., far from your best life, that is the time to give this Gentle God the go ahead to do the clean-up. If you are not tired of your life, still give him the go ahead because your life can always be better than it is now. Yes you have money and everything. Do you have peace that surpasses all understanding?

When you let God go to work on the dirt on your life that he didn’t create, God sees that not only do you have dirt, there is mould, multiple viruses, bacteria, amoeba, rust, saw dust, sand, thorns, broken glass, Judas and what humans would call a UFO but this Gentle God knows everything and knows exactly what that UFO is and certainly knows how to deal with it.

God is so glad you asked him to clean the dirt off, because not only is it his delight to fix all these many things knowing he WILL clean you up exceptionally well, he is so glad you asked him to clean the dirt out because he loves you so much and wants the ultimate best for you that living your best life, doesn’t even begin to cover what he has for you. The love he has for you also cancels out any disclaimers you may have for him such as “God I am so messed up and I’m not feeling worthy of this clean up”. Gods’ reply is this “My child I love you so much you are never and can never be too messed up for me. Also you are always welcome to come home in any state.” Hallelujah.

Now, the process of the clean up is not easy. There is wiping, chiselling, spinning, drilling, moulding, cutting, oiling, treating, vacuuming, heating, polishing i.e., a whole bunch of processes. Some are mild while most are intense and extremely challenging externally and especially internally and painful. It’s painful because, remember all the dirt is mixed up with that concoction of only what God knows. So, he needs to use all sorts of instruments. Some you won’t feel, some my friend! You will absolutely feel.

Here is one thing I know about this Gentle God, once he has gone through the process with you, you will win. And yes, you don’t go through the process as if you are an object. You are made in his image, his child, the heir to his throne, the love of his life, so as he allows you to go through the process, he is right there with you. Think I’m making it up? Ask my 3 role models, Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego, when God allowed for them to be put in the fire.

It wasn't because he was malicious or sadist. He was going to go in there with them and show them exactly how much he loved them. When you are in fiery trouble he never leaves you nor forsakes you. Love is not about this bonoko (fake) talk people say, Love is about action. Wherever you find yourself, one thing God will do, is take action for you. Ask Jesus, he was nailed to the cross and not for decoration! but out of Love for you and me. Saving you by saying like he did in the creation "let Tracy be saved" is one thing, but getting in the fire with you to save you is God's Love.

When God is done with you in his time which can take from God’s start time to Gods finish time, this is what is revealed. A beautiful, mesmerizing, shinny precious gem. The humans call it Topaz. The best part is where before you were in the garden centre because they thought you were soil, because of the dirt, now, God has to move you to a special place. All the former things including people can't come with you because they are not finished yet.

God takes you to your new abode, which is this high-end place with tight and armed security, a K-9, cctv in 360 degrees and limited access to you unlike the garden centre (PS no offense to the garden centre, its actually pivotal because that is the beginning of the butterfly process). In your new abode you are surrounded by diamonds, rubies, emeralds, white gold, and because they are shinny like you, even though you are a different colour, they gladly welcome you. Not only that, but you are also now attracting some high-end people around you who value and uphold you as you were created to!

They are drawn to your light and your value does not threaten or disturb them. They can see why. Most of all you also see your worth and value. How can you not. After the clean-up process you got a tutorial from God, became good friends, he became your mentor, and now you have a great relationship where you understand not only how he created you but how to live boldly now that you know your worth and value.

Following this, you see the abundant options and opportunities in your life and you are going for them the way diarrhoea goes for your body. Nothing and no one can stop you. You see yourself how God sees you! On top of that you know that if he was with you in the clean-up process, he is right here with you as you shine your light bright, so what can man do to you or whom or what shall you fear! The reason you shine so bright is because you have now discovered the Lord has been your light all along.

If you are wondering what is happening in your life, you don’t understand it, you are crushed by it, fret not my friend and sibling in Christ. God loves you so much and wants to turn things around because you are the apple of his eye. Give him full permission to clean the dirt off of you and reveal the Topaz in you.

God is Good, God is Great, God is ultimately the Best

Related Verses

Genesis 1:31

Psalm 27:1

Psalms 139:14

Galatians 5:13

Philippians 4:13

1 Corinthians 13: 4-8

Philippians 4:5-7

1 John 3:20

Lamentations 3:22-23

Daniel 3:8–18

Philippians 1:6

Matthew 5:16

John 3:16

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Next post 12/08/2023

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