Some of the most painful conditions include trigeminal neuralgia, cluster headaches, slipped disc, gout, endometriosis etc. Then labour pain, I have heard stories and seen on those programmes where they show childbirth, is.... Thankfully for me I haven’t experienced these. As for labour pain, yesterday I heard there may be a way around that and they start by not calling it labour pain but pressure waves. Reframing words is usually a good thing, so I love that.
For me I remember a weekday in April some years ago where I had excruciating pain. The pain was so bad I took strong pain killers, I'd probably taken twice, including this occasion. I managed to go back to sleep. The pain woke me up and it was so painful, I rang the emergency helpline. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being very painful, the pain was 11 and that’s why I called. With all my medicine stashes I have as a result of my health care background, if I’m seeking help, it means I need help.
One of the worst things that can happen to you when you are seeking medical attention is to talk to a medic who is arrogant and lacks empathy. I had told the dr I had taken a pain killer before sleeping as I thought it would help so I could then wake up in the morning and be able to go to work. She told me “Oh, the pain must not be that bad if you were thinking of going to work.”
The “joys” of living alone and far from family, is in moments like these, sometimes you just have to do what you feel you can’t do but my testimony is that God gives you strength during these times and that x-factor blessing/power he gives, because I don’t know how I drove to seek medical help, but I did. When I was driving, the pain was so bad, I honestly believed, this was the end for me, and I prayed for forgiveness because I really believed I was going to rest in peace.
I managed to call my manager in good time, to tell him I would not be able to work that day. He wasn’t happy and these are the situations where you know for sure it wasn't about me. When the dr took my blood pressure, it was very high. I was only a young adult at that time, so she asked was there anything going on besides the pain. I explained to her the conversation with my manager shortly before I saw her. She immediately signed me off to rest. She ordered some tests including a 24-hour BP monitor. I rang him again to deliver the breaking news.
The health care system even at that time was something else. 2 months later I finally had the scan I was scheduled to have. After that, was the period when my grandmother was ill and would go to sleep and wait patiently for the resurrection. That was 3rd July. I don’t remember how it happened, but I ended up going to see the dr the day after my grandma had passed, to talk about the scan results.
There was a queue to register at the reception and I saw this old man immediately behind me and I told him to go in front of me. I thought that could be someone’s grandpa and when I finished that thought, tears started rolling down. I didn’t have the only grandma I had known. I managed to compose myself and registered at the desk and saw the dr.
The dr said my hormones were a bit off, some higher than they should and the scan showed that on top of what they discovered, I had fibroids. She said not that it’s impossible but don’t delay having kids. She was a kind understanding dr, millions of light years away from the one who was dismissing my pain. I told her, its not that I was intentionally delaying but, in these matters, I can’t do it by myself… and she responded if only I could prescribe for you the guy. We laughed.
I’ve always remembered that line of hers and sometimes wished there was a way to prescribe a good man then again, the way this healthcare is going, would I want a prescribed man, not to mention a lot of prescribed items are out of stock and for long periods, years sometimes, so it may not be the solution it may appear to be, even hypothetically.
Anyway, back to the story. I left the appointment thinking wow. That was also around the time Michelle Williams had released the song “if Jesus says yes nobody can say no” which today I found out from the comments section of a post about Michelle, that it was taken from a Nigerian gospel song. I thought to myself if Jesus says yes, science can’t say no. And that was the end of my thoughts on the appointment. Since that day, many years ago, that has been my motto.
When science is telling me all the things it tells me, of which it says very loudly, I know that its telling its science truth but, the Truth has the final say. If the Truth says yes, science can’t say no. If the Truth says no, he knows why he is saying no. Help us Jesus when you say no. One thing I know he has not said no is where it counts. On the cross he said a major Yes and in the grand scheme of things, that yes is the best yes ever. No, my testimony is not about me being with this time. I pray I can give that testimony one day especially now in the age range where mothers in this age were previously considered geriatric, now its raised maternal age or advanced maternal age. Either is better than the former.
Interestingly, and I thank God, that pain went away just like that, without medical intervention and way before I had the scan. The other symptoms also settled downed again with no medical intervention. I had another blood test some months ago and had listed on the form, the diagnosis I had been given. When the results came back, they said from the results, we don’t see any evidence of that because your hormone levels are just right and even the one that is off isn’t a sign of that.
I had another blood test to retest the hormone that was off. When the result came back it was just fine. I spoke to a new dr about these new results and she too felt there was no sign of the diagnosis given those many years ago. I was relieved and then I started to dwell on what had happened. I didn’t want to take for granted or take lightly what had happened, like as if these things happen. This new dr said yes there is a possibility they can, but in my view possibility doesn't equal guarantee because for some people it doesn't happen. For me what that means is, every praise is to our God, because he is a deliverer.
He is a sure and certain God, Creator and Owner of the universe of living beings and things. With God nothing is impossible and he knows all things. He restores what is off balance as easily as he created the universe. What a God! Truly truly nothing is too hard for him, and the signs were there. Usually, I would have needed medication, but my symptoms after the pain went, were not medicine worthy.
What then can I say to this thing other than God is Good, God is Great, God is the Best. He knows what he is doing when the rest of us are trying to google, ChatGPT, get second opinion etc. I am not saying don’t get a 2nd opinion or don't listen to medical advice when it comes to your health. I am saying go trusting God. Trust who he is. Trust what he says he will do all through the Excellent Book from Genesis to Revelation. God is not a man that he should lie. Trust what he has done for those numerous people we read about in the Excellent Book. Trust that if he can give Sarah a bouncing baby boy in menopause, that is just how God is, a God of miracles. Nothing defeats him, not menopause, not death, our dreaded enemy.
Trust that he has the final word. Trust that if he says yes, no one can ever say no. They don’t have that kind of power over him! He is God Supreme and Sovereign God. Trust that he is not a God of confusion. Trust that he will give you clarity and wisdom. Trust that whatever happens to you, he is directing your steps, even during those seasons that you don’t understand because it seems so unfair. Trust that the same way he knew what he was doing when he sent his son, so that we may believe and go and enjoy those mansions prepared on golden streets, even in this season where you may not know which way to go, he knows where he is taking you.
Your job is "only believe" and by faith (not stubbornness or piety ) follow where he leads you, knowing he is with you, and will carry you, thus help you, strengthen you and uphold you with his victorious right hand. There is no way anything can defeat us because God being with us and in us, if we let him, has never and will never be defeated because one day we will go home to a place where there is no illness, no death, no healing necessary because we will be with our God forever more. What a day of rejoicing that will be!
God is Good, God is great, God is Ultimately the Best.
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Deuteronomy 10:21
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Ephesians 3:20-21
Matthew 19:26
Genesis 18:24
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