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Really, After All That! Part 2


November 2021. Life had happened 2 months ago. My health had gone downhill. I asked God to help me decide what to do, because there had to be a better way. I prayerfully made the decision that would lead me to a path I never dreamt of, never asked for, never imagined. That should come as no surprise because the God of Shadrack, Meshack, Abednego, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Peter, Enoch and Elijah, does his things like that.

Job hunting is a real job, but what makes it unreal is that you are not paid for it. What made it difficult for me was I didn’t know what I wanted to do so my search was all over the place. For my profession, I read that it was possible for me to literally go into anything. My skills were transferable anywhere and everywhere. The rejections didn’t agree. I kept a record of the places I had applied to and at a certain point, I had received 140 rejected job applications. Truly truly as they said, job hunting is a numbers game.

At the beginning of the search, I was hopeful. I had skills, long term experience, plus they said a pharmacist can go into anything and everything. Then 6 months in, I started getting weary and frustrated. I was putting so much effort and getting nothing back. I had followed all the tips LinkedIn suggested and I still got nowhere. I connected with people on LinkedIn, they shared what they did, I got an idea of the logical step for me to take, did courses to show I was serious about my transition. Nothing!

I had 3 mentors, thanks to the professional body that I am a member for. All were helpful, and in fact everyone on LinkedIn was helpful and forthcoming with advice. Off course in this life there is always one. The same questions I had asked everyone else, she said she would need to charge me. After this I realized the kindness that had been extended to me by so many others. Many had asked me to join them on zooms and discuss things further. Those conversations were 30mins even more and not one person charged me. For me, I know that was the Goodness of God working in my favour, knowing how urgently I needed to find what path to take. As he has written in the Excellent Book, he Helped me, He strengthened me because job hunting when you have no idea what you want requires strength to do the work to find out what you want. He also made me victorious with his right hand and is the reason I can write this testimony.

I took a 2 week break from job hunting because I was fed up. I was done. The challenge I have is I don’t give up so easily, so even when I say I’m done, I’ll still find myself making some effort into what I am working on. I was so dedicated to find my way and for my birthday trip I had considered taking my laptop to continue the search. I thought about it and decided I deserved a break. If in that 6-month period, I hadn’t found my way, taking a 1-week break would not change anything. I was right. I took a break, enjoyed my trip, enjoyed change of scenery and enjoyed my favourite love, jet-skiing. I came back and decided I will continue the break. Sometimes you really need it and contrary to what you think, it makes you more efficient. You are not wasting time by taking a break. When God rested on the 7th day was he wasting time? In fact he knew we would not take a break, so he set a fabulous example. Hey you! Take a break!

After some time, I remembered a conversation I had with one of my mentors. She asked me what aspects I liked in my previous role. I thought about it and to me it looked like learning and development was what I wanted to do. I went to LinkedIn, looked for people in this field, and Paul who I will never forget, asked me to do a zoom and he talked me through the role, what it takes, what I could add, what course I could add to supplement all my other skills, it was a great conversation and the 2nd domino that led me to this place that I never asked thought or imagined.

Paul mentioned I could do a small coaching course. When I looked into it, LO! This is exactly what I had been looking for but didn’t have a name for. Again I went to LinkedIn, found a pharmacist who was a health coach...”hmm I wonder what that is”. Sheree-Ann invited me to a zoom and that is when I had all the ding ding ding bells going on, that this was it. Not only that, but for the first time in my ongoing Long Covid journey, I saw the purpose of that experience, not for me to suffer just for fun because God can never let you experience anything negative without using it for your good and for the good of others. 10 months after job hunting, I had found what I wanted, but hadn't been looking for. Only God! Trust God, he knows what you need far better than what you think you know.

I started my training, enjoyed the course, a first for me and that’s how I knew this was something out of the ordinary. There were challenges during the course, but God worked them out perfectly as the perfect God he is. See God is fighting your corner, Regardless! post. As I write this, I have completed the course and now a certified Health Coach where I want to help men and women over 40 struggling with fatigue, stress and isolation because of Long Covid. What the devil brought to steal, kill or destroy, God has turned around for my good and for his glory, Amen!

He has turned it for my good because there is a theme, I have discovered from the time I started this journey. Freedom. In my health I have made progress and can do some of the things I couldn’t do for 2 years. God is Good, God is Great, God is the Best! In this new space as Tracy The Health Coach, I have the freedom to do as I please. I could open my practice (which I am doing), I could continue working in pharmacy or I can work for a Health company, meaning I could work in any way and be like Burger King when its slogan was, “have it your way”. I have always wanted to work from home, didn’t know how this would work but God and his thoughts which are higher than mine, his ways which are higher than mine, saw that as something that was Not impossible. Glory to God!

This new path is giving me freedom in so many ways that it has to be God answering those said and unsaid prayers, looking out for me and doing abundantly, exceedingly far more than I can even dream of. A God who cares about my every need even something small as working from home, which these days is not the impossible thing it was may be 17 years ago. Yet again this journey reminds me that there is nothing too hard for the Lord. There really isn’t anything too hard for him. While I was trying to figure out what I want, He already knew where he was taking me and who he was going to use to get me there and how he was going to get me there. Nothing is by accident. Every single thing even the skit I’m watching on social media, is all working for my good.

The best part is I don’t have to figure it out. This is such a relief! I heard this quote from Major “Surrender is the wealthiest posture you can ever lean in to.” I don’t know how things will turn out. Its not an easy path, is there one anyway? But in my new year and with all the testimonies I have, what have I to fear, what have I to dread, as I surrender this new path to the one who gave it to me in the first place. I am constantly saying “God you’re the one who brought me here, make things happen.” I’ve seen it happen already in things I have asked him to give me the wisdom to do because I have no clue embedding a code on my website or using Canva but now, I know! because what you ask in faith, you will receive! I do know one thing about God as I start my journey, which looks impossible, he will make it happen. Don’t ask me how. My job is to believe, his is to release. When he releases, he does not hold back!

God is Good, God is Great, God is the Ultimate Best

Related Verses

Revelation 7:15-17

Proverbs 16:9

Deuteronomy 31:8

Psalm 37:4

Psalm 32:8

Proverbs 3:5

Genesis 18:14

Luke 1:37

Isaiah 55:8-9

Jeremiah 29:11

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Next Post: 1/7/2023

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