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Part of the Jigsaw, Part of the Beautiful Masterpiece


Updated: Feb 3, 2024

There is one earthly person who is the expert of your body who knows it very well and that is you.  In fact, I remember I used to tell some of my inner circle how I felt I had a “pot” but because of my build I would be told there’s nothing. Somehow many women all believe they have a pot because during picture time, nearly everyone will say to give them a moment to hold their pot in or ask the photographer to make sure their pot is not showing. In September I felt a mass on my left side and after a scan, turns out the pot was as a result of my fibroids which had grown.

It’s always good to listen to your body and do what it needs. Towards the end of the year, I was in a small group that was set up to help each other in creating presentations such that if we were called for a talk, we would be ready to go. Well in November I was weary in well doing and had to listen to my body and rest. I had been working so hard to move things along in my practice and wasn’t seeing any fruit. I decided to take a break. Everything would have to wait. A risky move when you are self-employed because you don’t earn unless you work.

Once I was done with my break other responsibilities took over and I didn’t get to focus on the presentations. Thankfully the group had not set a deadline so on that front I was good. Different things started coming in the way of me preparing the presentations including my laptop having issues including memory issues. This was despite deleting so many things including Adobe, even one drive. I found a way around the situation. I would do one presentation, send it to my other email drive, because my primary one was full. I would then delete it from my laptop. Tedious!

I really didn’t have the motivation to do the presentation through these laptop issues. Then I remembered a verse that says in everything you do, do it like you are working for God. That verse has always been my go-to at work when I feel I am not being seen despite my many efforts. My Divine Teacher and Counsellor also whispered gently as he does, for me to shine my light by doing what I said I would do with the group. With those 2 thoughts I was determined to do the preparations. I planned a realistic way of doing them and told the group I would send them one a week. Well, the strength of the Lord enabled me to do it quicker than that and the techno issues cooperated enough for me to complete them. Praise God!

During my trip back home, I had decided before it wouldn’t be a holiday per se. I would use it to connect and collaborate. I asked one of my friends, Cynthia, who is a gem in so many ways, if there was a chance, I could give a talk at her workplace. She came back quickly, and all was set within a few days for me to do the talk. She had also connected me to her colleague who was also very much willing to collaborate. Praise God! Here is where the testimony comes in.

After the talk, which was so delightful in so many ways, I had a meeting with her colleague. He expressed how he had hoped we could work together, and I was excited at the possibilities of what would happen from this collaboration. On my way home on the very rough, very rocky, jumpy road, I was praying and thanking God for what he had one. Giving me the opportunity to speak, the extremely warm reception I received from start to finish, and what would possibly come out of it. Then it hit me!

My Divine Teacher, Counsellor and Motivator knew this opportunity was coming and needed me to do my part by preparing the presentations because all things being well, it means I have presentations in the number of double digits ready to go. I may just adapt it to the audience I would be speaking to but a good part of the work had been done, meaning my life would be easier than starting from scratch.

What a caring and awesome God who is taking care of the details in the “little” things we do! The God who cares about my work processes, sets me up in groups to do things that will really help me in the future. The God who has clearly gone before me, seen what’s ahead, come back to the present, given me encouragement when I’m wilting, and connected me with the right people who he will use to propel me to the future he has for me.

As has happened to me many times before, when I’ve reached out to support someone, I end up being the one helped more than I could ever imagine. There was no way I could have foreseen how this would play out. I just thought I was doing presentations, but God knew and that is why he took the time and effort to encourage me. This tells me in a way that has hit differently to the past, that anything we are doing, however small, is not luck, not by accident, it is part of the jigsaw to me but part of the beautiful masterpiece God sees and will deliver, if I keep listening. Now my prayer is not to grow weary in well doing because truly truly, I will not see it but all things are working for my good and I will reap a harvest so long as I don't give up. This is my encouragement to you.

I wish I could really give this testimony justice because when things were working against me and I was losing motivation to do the presentation prep, God knew he needed to scoop me up and encourage me. I didn’t know where the road would go but I am so glad he gave me the strength to keep making moves and get the presentations prepared. God always knows best and from what I can see by sight, the road is looking good, which means by faith the promised land will far exceed what I can ask think or imagine because 3 of the many things about God is this. God is Good, God is Great, God is the Ultimate Best.

Related Verses

Colossians 3:23-24

Galatians 6:9

Romans 8:28

2 Corinthians 5:7

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