For the last 2 weeks consecutively, God has been making me smile more than usual as he has answered some important prayers in different areas of my life. I am learning more and more that sometimes what seems like a small thing isn't small after all, because when that small thing doesn't go to expectation it turns out it was actually a big thing.
I've been working on a course which will help me in my new career path as a health coach. I am now about 8 weeks from completing the course which will also align with my big birthday. When I realised that would be the case I have been determined, motivated and highly driven to complete it by that time. What I didn’t factor in was that in this life nothing is ever in your full control.
I was going to do some case studies and this involved doing a number of sessions with volunteers which was different to my other assignments. For this one I needed to get Indemnity insurance. After doing some research I discovered a company that could do it and didn't realise that the process may take a few days. As I started to calculate when I would get the insurance to then allow me to start the case studies, I realised it would delay my completion date.
Ever since the incident I described in my previous testimony titled "God is Fighting Your Corner, Regardless!", I have been keeping a phrase in my mind that has been keeping me going when difficult things are happening or things are not going my way or when things are looking like they won't go my way. “The Battle is the Lords”.
It has really helped me because I then quickly realise there's only so much I can do but there's so much, so so much God can do and so I leave it in his capable and reliable hands. When I operate like this, I am calm, I am not stressed, I'm not worried (I'm a natural worry worrier) and I am able continue with anything else that I need to do and just leave it for God to handle, like as if there is no problem. I literally just tell God the “battle is yours, I can’t, and I don’t want to deal with it.”
In fact, just now as I write this, I'm realizing that this new found way of thinking and releasing things that are out of my control is actually helping me with a prayer I had asked God back in December 2022, to help me guard my heart as a way of being healthy and not sickly all the time. The story of that is in my previous testimony titled "We Can’t Be Physically Fit When our Hearts Are Hurting" . The Excellent Book says God is not a man that he should lie. Leaving the battle in God's hand has shown me the reason why the Excellent Book says "The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." It works! and this is my testimony.
After talking to the insurance company describing the situation, they actually honoured my request and sent the indemnity insurance earlier than expected. I was able to start my case studies on time so that I could complete the course and have a double celebration of my big birthday at the same time. Glory to God! When God fights there is no way he can't win, absolutely no way. He always wins. When filling in the details I filled everything except my name, data birth, telephone number, address which are the essential parts and even then the company was still willing help me, despite my own mistakes which were now the ones delaying the process.
Then the battle to find volunteers was next. This has been a great challenge during the parts of my course where I needed to use volunteers for assignments. Challenges are actually good things because they reveal so much. They reveal how I handle things (healthy/unhealthy), they reveal how I look at things, they reveal who is supportive in the circle of people around me, especially those I ask for help. With that I can then respond accordingly, and that is where and why the challenges we experience are never in vain.
I have seen people who I don't interact with frequently or have only recently met, go above and beyond for me and I love such things because they're such a good surprise. Without the challenge I wouldn't have known how supportive they would be. God knows who to send and when, whether its a big or small thing. This is exactly what he has done for me and I'm so thankful. Hallelujah!
When I came to the stage of looking for volunteers, again I told God “the battle is yours.” Let me tell you, when God wins, he WINS. The number of volunteers I have. Again the Excellent Book says and I will paraphrase in a major way, with God you can not lack. For the first time in my course I am not lacking volunteers and now the prayer is Jesus! help me to be organized and plan them out nicely because my brand is at stake here, if I don't organise myself. Truly, truly God will elevate you in ways you don’t imagine.
Then the volunteers, dear Jesus, what a blessing he bestows on every part of our lives. I have worked as a community pharmacist for 16 going to 17 years and working in retail is no joke. I have been cursed at, undergone racism to the point two of my white staff at the time were so disgusted with the person and decided that the customer was banned. That was so beautiful to me because they were junior to me in role, but they were willing to stand up for me and take action (that was beyond their role), something that companies never do. So even then, God was putting people in my way that would show me his hand is never far from me. Glory to God!
My point is I have seen the worst side of humanity in retail, so when I get kind, positive, easy going people, I appreciate it in a different way because, I have seen the other side. Throughout my assignments where I have needed to work with volunteers, first of all they have been fully cooperative and its just been a pleasure to work with them. As stewards in Christianity we know and believe every good thing we have is directly from God and again I thank him for working it out, not just to get volunteers, but he went above and brought people who are shinning their light.
One of the many challenges with Faith is letting go of the outcome. We pray for ABCD and we want ABCD. Meanwhile God answers in hieroglyphics, Japanese and numbers, i.e. totally opposite to what we wanted or asked for. Its taken me time and I’m still working on it but my testimony is when I have let go and let God as they say, not just in fighting it but letting him work it out in his own way, he has come back and done it in my ABCD. Don’t tell me God is not a good God. God is Good, God is Great and God is the Best.
I have seen on many occasions where I was asking for ABCD, it didn’t happen and God later on gave me the privilege for some of those unanswered prayers, to see why he said No. OOOWI! My testimony is that ABCD was never going to be for my good, it was certainly going to be for evil because anything not in God’s realms or provision, is in whose hands? It certainly wasn’t going to prosper me. So later in life when this was revealed to me, time and time again, after having my tantrum of why ABCD didn’t happen, I switched to Thank You Jesus, OOWI!.
So now its becoming more doable to let go of the outcome because now I understand more that God’s will is the best, not mine. He sees everything, knows everything meanwhile me I don’t know didli squat in the grand scheme for things. This means between God’s way and my way, God’s way is more reliable, far more reliable, Victorious, Peace Giving, fruitful, spirit soothing, mind-calming, bountiful, joyful and most of all eternal bound than mine. Even when Gods' way is in hieroglyphics +Japanese +numerals, all those positives from God are certain. This is how people get not to look like what they’ve been or are going through.
My other motivation is that I am a certain age headed to a big birthday and I don’t have time to make choices that take me on a detour from where I am supposed to be. I want to get there asap. I want to go from the house direct to the beach. I don’t want to pass through the mechanic shop, the hospital, some place I don’t even recognise, city hall (what? why?), supermarket, the airport, airport security, baggage claim, come back home, ask God to direct my path, then get him to take me to the beach (the place I love, enjoy and feel my spirit is at rest).
I don’t have the time or spirit and time (yes) for all of that. I’ve already done my way before and learnt it just doesn’t work! God’s Victorious way and his Victorious right hand are so reliable in giving me the desires of my heart. This is exactly what he has shown me in the last 2 weeks. Everybody ought to know this God and is the reason I write this. God the Sovereign and Powerful Commander in Chief of this world and most importantly your battles..... if you let him.
My encouragement to you is tell God from today you are turning ALL your battles as they come or those that have been, to him, so he can Knock them Out a Good One. You want to see some red seas, and river Jordans part before your eyes. You want to walk on water like Peter. Peter was a human being, so even you, you want to do the same, because he has said with him, NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE!
Verses for "Read Your Bible Challenge"
Luke 1:37
Exodus 14:14
1 Chronicles 29:11-12
2 Chronicles 20:15
Psalm 94:19
Proverbs 19:21
Psalm 22:28
Psalm 139:4
1 John 5:14–15
1 Peter 3:12
Numbers 23:19
Romans 8:28
Next post: 4/4/2023
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