The downside of being back home is the issue of disappearing electricity. The problem has always been there since I was a child and as I continue to embrace the 4th floor the situation has become even worse. After church I usually like to watch sermons from my online churches in Florida, Atlanta, and Alabama. When I came back home after my sweat glands were thoroughly exercised, I discovered not only would I not get to watch them, but I would not be able to cool the body down with a nice hot shower as I am used to. Electricity had gone and there was no reason for its departure.
I know having a cold shower is a good thing if you want to stimulate the Vagus nerve and reduce stress. I remembered how I used to survive in boarding school where cold showers was the norm and also remembered the numerous videos, I’ve seen on social media about people having cold therapy. I consoled myself that at least the water was not freezing, and I said to myself there is no way I would ever do that.
Then it came to me, what if Jesus asked me to do cold therapy. In my head I said I would because it means he would help me. I mastered the courage and went under the shower water and lo! It was not cold as I thought it would be! Glory to God for taking care of the small things I am plucking the courage to do and especially when I haven’t asked for his help.
At the end of the week, I was having a conversation about a talk I was going to do the following week. Honestly, that is all I thought the conversation would be about. The quick conversation went into a discussion about a potential collaboration, how much my services are needed and how we could continue to collaborate even when I go back, something I love because after 17 years in retail, I discovered my work language is remote working. I absolutely love it.
After the conversation my guardian angel and I did our happy dance, which Glory to God has become a frequent occurrence. The outcome of that conversation was not just great news because of the details but because it was an answer to a general prayer I prayed 4 days ago. Who is like God! He answered it generously and in his many ways which are definitely higher than mine.
The outcome of the discussion was not even something I thought to pray about. This continues to tell me how truly truly as I have heard and read, it is God who has bigger plans for me than I have for myself, and he will absolutely make all his good plans for me come true. This is why I am committed to sharing my testimonies so it is clear that God is Working for you beyond what you can see, think, ask and he Must get the Glory! Hallelujah!
Back in the summer I had organised to do a talk in January for a pharmacy group that I have been attending their webinars. January seemed so far away and by then I didn’t know I would be back home on that date. Before I came home, I carried a gadget that could charge some electricals in the very likely event elec went.
On the day I was to lead the webinar, I asked God to please let there be elec. I asked for him to make it that in the event it disappeared, he would make it present and available. I mean if you are going to ask anyone for light, you might as well ask He who said let there be light, and the light has always been there and under his close supervision. Furthermore, The Light will always be there because he said lo! he is with me till the end of time, so I was in good hands far much more than my back up phones, mobile data, tablet and portable device charger.
I started getting nervous just before the webinar. I was going to be presenting in front of my pharmacist colleagues. Then I reminded myself something I heard from a sermon. While I was arranging the talk in the summer, God had long gone before me, knew that day was coming and had already given me everything I needed, so I did not need to fear. I prayed asking God to calm my spirit even though I knew he had already gone before me.
From the verbal feedback after the webinar, comments in the Zoom chat and LinkedIn tags the next day, true to what I believed, God had gone ahead of me in a mighty way! God is Good, God is Great, God is the Ultimate Best. His light shone because in my eyes no weapon in the form of elec was formed but in Gods’ realm of seeing and knowing all things, if the weapon was formed, it had no chance and it did not prosper! Hallelujah!
I’ve seen many memes in the last few weeks on how people chose not to look at their bank accounts. Well, I saw mine on Monday and that led me to pray and after that I was thinking of things I could do. Later on that evening as I was preparing for the talk later that week, I received a call from one of the people I am to be collaborating with once I get back to the capital. I thought she was calling to ask when we are meeting on that basis, but she was calling as a potential client, seeking help for her health. She had seen a guide I had posted on a WhatsApp group we both belonged to and decided to talk to reach out and talk to me.
What I am saying is this Kind God, all week and for a long time especially in the last 2 months, has been doing things I would not expect. This is why me and my guardian angel have been doing heavenly TikTok’s. I’m sure Jesus has been liking, sharing and has saved them in his heavenly Samsung phone. I have seen that Gods’ ways are truly not our ways and it is a Marvelous thing. It is a Marvelous thing because left to me even though I thought I was praying Big prayers, it is clear I have not been praying big prayers! Truly, truly as the Excellent Book says, I also know the Holy Spirit has been translating my prayers because he knows the way my bank account is set up. Glory to God in advance for what he will do!
My encouragement to you, is ask God and Trust God. The conditions may not be perfect immediately, it may take time, but this Kind, Loving God will not leave you to stay in a season that is difficult for you, forever! We have been promised goodness right here in the land of the living and the bigger picture is that there is a time that is coming when all our struggles, tears, anxiety, depression, and defeats will all come to an end! Trust God especially when you are not seeing the end with your eyes and remember to switch to walk by faith.
As you go through this season, do not forget eternity. It is coming and by the help and Grace of God, let us work and walk with God who will help us get ready for that day where there will be no more tears! In eternity, I literally just read not too long ago and heard a sermon say the same also not long ago, (so I know God wanted me to pay attention to it and also share with you), about how there shall no more be anything accursed in that glorious place called Eternity. The way God has been taking care of our small cares and Big rightful desires, he will continue to do that now and forevermore because God is Good, God is Great, God is Ultimately the Best.
Related Verses
Genesis 1:3
Matthew 28:20
Revelation 22:3
Isaiah 55:8
1 John 3:20
Isaiah 46:4-13
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