Science experiments were one of the classes I really enjoyed. The best one was potassium permanganate in hot water or cold water, when we were being shown the principle of diffusion and how particles move. Forget the principle, the colour was spectacular! We also looked at melting points and also saw how in one form water was ice, then it was liquid then it was steam/vapour. Very cool and interesting.
Many people are going through different challenges in their lives. Some we can get an idea of what they could be going through like the people of Israel and Palestine. Some we will never know because either we have no idea what could be going on or sometimes people have been used to putting on a mask, so while they appear to be ok, they are far from it. On the other hand, some people are enjoying a season of answered prayers and favour. As human beings one of the many things we have in common is that we have all gone through some challenges in our lives.
For me with the challenges I have had, I have come to the stage where many times I find myself asking God jokingly on one hand but serious on the other, to take me through a season of ease and comfort. I understand the best lessons come from the challenges we go through. It is something that I feel is so unfortunate because if it wasn't for the challenges, I wouldn't have learnt some of the best lessons I now have. Lessons that have elevated me as a person spiritually and emotionally.
Reading a book wouldn't have been enough, getting advice from my friends or close ones wouldn't have been enough, watching somebody else’s life wouldn't have been enough, nothing else would have been enough, other than to go through that challenge myself. I also know and believe that out of every tragedy comes something great. The best example in the world is how the death of Jesus has led to the Greatest thing any of us will ever have.
But, I'm tired. I'm tired of being in difficult seasons. I'm tired of pursuing this and that. I just want it easy, very easy. The truth is as Christians following the steps of Jesus, while we're here on this earth it can never be easy all through. There may be times of “respite”, but it will not be easy because Jesus’ life was never easy. His life was filled with many unfair, unjust moments, so our lives which are committed to mirroring him, will also follow in suit.
While things may not be easy, it's not to say that all our life on here on earth will be about suffering. The Excellent Book says God wants to bless us right here in the land of the living. Having said all of this, as for me and me in my house I still want it easy, smooth and comfortable. One thing about life is you don't always get what you want.
My testimony is that this week I finally got the answer to why this very easy smooth comfortable life that I am seeking, will not happen. I was listening to a discussion between two preachers I listen to keenly. There was a question from the audience asking them why we go through trials and tribulations. I paused the discussion to think about the answer for myself. This is what came to me.
They say men are very visual, but I find that I'm very visual in my learning and in my memory. As I pondered on that question, I remembered my eggs in the kitchen near the cooker. When the eggs are in the tray, they're just there. When I put one into water and let the water boil, once the water has finished boiling, the egg looks the same. When I crack it, it's not the same. It's now changed from liquid to solid. It's changed to a form that for me is more palatable. There's no way I would eat a raw egg. So, this conversion from liquid to solid has made it better for me. Now I can eat the egg on its own, put it in a salad with many different things or I can put it in a sandwich, again with other things. Meaning, this new form has given me a variety of ways I can use the egg.
Not only that but this new form makes it possible for the egg to come together in a beautiful way with rocket, tomatoes, lettuce etc that its former presentation wouldn't have allowed it to. Imagine making a sandwich with bread, your chosen bread spread, salad and raw egg. That is not palatable however diverse your palate is. This means, that process of going through the hot water was necessary for the egg because it transformed it into something better as it could be used for a variety of things instead of just “sitting” in the egg tray.
The hot water is the challenges, trials and the tribulations. The egg is me. God did not create me to just sit in the “egg tray.” He created me to do something in this world. From my blog titled “Topaz”, there has to be some transformation in me, to then be able to do what God put me on this earth to do. This means like the egg; I have to be put in hot water i.e the challenges. When the challenge has come to an end though I may look the same on the outside I will not be the same on the inside. That transformation is what will enable me to do the assignment God put me here for together with all the things he wants me to do as he has written in his Excellent Book.
Not only that but in that transformation, my “new hard boiled” self will be able to connect with other people or opportunities that I would never have had the chance to connect with in my raw state. These human connections are essential because they are the relationships that I will need for my professional and personal growth and fulfilment. But I can’t connect with these people unless I am in this new hard-boiled state. Raw egg doesn’t go with rocket, tomatoes and peppers to make a nice salad. It just doesn’t.
What God is trying to teach me is that hot water is necessary in life. The things I want, I will not get without inner transformation. I need to be able to receive what God will bless me with in the land of the living. If I am in the egg tray, I will not be able to receive and combine with the “bread” that I am looking forward to connecting with. It would be disastrous! Broken shells, egg white “sticking” to what it shouldn’t stick to, French toast, when I wanted a sandwich.
God knows what he is doing. Yet again this issue of trust comes in. I have to trust that when God is finished with his process i.e., him allowing me to go through the challenge, yes things will work out but most of all I will be in a position to execute the purpose he set for me. He may not have created the challenge, but he will use it for my good.
While Jesus life was not easy, it was filled with preparation for those times that were not and would not be easy. His life was filled with prayer and spending time with his Father. When the challenges came he did not buckle. The preparation he had gone through had given him the inner strength to go through what he had to go through together with the obedience that let him submit to his Fathers will. Being connected to his Father also meant that at that point when he needed incredible strength, his Father sent him help by way of the angels who ministered to him.
All these measures we have in our reach. We are able to talk to God and in my previous blog Rest-imony I shared how we need to be talking to God. He doesn't need to know your name, date of birth, age, race, gender, he knows all of that. It's about talking to him, listening to him and reading his Biography as per my other blog i.e., the Excellent Book, to get to know him better. When we know him better, we can recognise his voice and hear what he's saying to us, especially at that time when we are being boiled in hot water. We will hear him give the answer to the question we love to ask “Why is this happening to me?” or hear him tell us those secrets he wishes to reveal to us, so that we don’t even feel the need to ask that famous adversity question.
With the mustard seed size faith we have, we can believe that when moments seem to be overwhelming or crushing us, the same way the angels were sent to minister to Jesus, God is well able to send us the reinforcement we need to help us through. “Fear not, for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will help you, I will strengthen you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.”
Easy and comfortable is therefore not the prayer for me to pray because it will leave me sitting in the egg tray. Not moving, not going forward, not fulfilling any of my dreams, not fulfilling my deepest desires, not meeting amazing people. Easy and comfortable life will only leave me just sitting in the egg tray. There is a problem God wants me to solve and I cannot solve it when I am sitting in the egg tray. More than that God will ask me one day “TPA, I created you for great things, but you chose to sit in the egg tray. Tell me Why?” What would I say? “Ain’t nothing but a heartbreak?”
Joseph did not have it easy and comfortable. Daudi did not have it easy and comfortable. Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego, my forever role models, did not have it easy and comfortable. Daniel did not have it easy and comfortable. Job certainly did not have it easy and comfortable. The disciples didn't have it easy and comfortable. Most of all my Great friend, (mostly on his side) Jesus most definitely did not have it easy and comfortable. Great things and great people do not come out from easy and comfortable.
Easy and comfortable is a tactic of the enemy to get you not to do what God sent you to do. It has a domino effect in that, the people you would have helped, won’t get that help and they will keep suffering. Yes, I am saying, some of our suffering is because someone is just sitting in the egg tray, hash tagging soft life on their social media! Meanwhile the rest of us after asking the famous adversity question, we blame God for our suffering!
Get out of the egg tray! Dare to be in the company of great people and be a hard-boiled egg. At the end of it, for sure you will say, God is Good, God is Great, God is Ultimately the Best, because eyes haven’t seen, ears haven’t heard the exceedingly marvellous things God has prepared for you on the other side of being a hard-boiled egg.
Related Verses
Romans 8:28
Psalms 84:11
James 1:12
John 16:33
Romans 5:3-5
Exodus 14:14
Mark 15:24-37
John 3:16
Esther 4:14
Psalm 33:11
Jeremiah 1:5
Psalm 32:8
Matthew 14:23
Matthew 11:28-30
Matthew 17:20-21
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Events: Testimonies & Prayer
Last Saturday of the Month: 28th October 2023
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31st October 2023
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