If there is one thing that keeps us from growing in our faith is the need and great desire to have our prayers answered how we want and when we want them. This will not happen because none of those, factors in Gods' will.
When people say Gods' timing is the best what does it mean? It means he has factored everything our little understanding can not even fathom because God knows everything and sees everything, knows everyone and knows you better than you know yourself.
For this same reason it is him who manifests for you. The world says otherwise. In Gods' existence he lives in the past, present and future at the same time. So when he answers your prayer according to his will, and that is the fine print if you will, he has answered it on time. I heard a preacher say there's only one time in Gods time and that's on time. He may not come when you want him, but he is always on time.
Between God and a human being, who has the wisdom to determine that he has not come when you want him to? God. Our impatience, lack of foresight and understanding prevents us from seeing that God is not even late. Our emotions overwhelm us from opening our eyes to seeing that even in something sorrowful like death, God is not late. Ask Lazarus who was raised 4 days after he died! Ask Jesus who raised him and ask the same Jesus if he will not do that again when he comes back for everyone who died in him.
God always has the final say in every matter and nothing can outdo him. Is there anything too hard for the Lord? No! because with God nothing is impossible.
We can chose to be on God's watch literally and see him give us the products in the diagram below. Or we can chose to be on our own watch, take matters into our hands like Sarah did when she wasn't getting pregnant, and end up with the same result of getting what we want-ish, but in turmoil and no peace.
When we do things in our own time, there is a cost that we can't even fathom it comes with. Off course doing things in our own way and time is easier because it doesn't require faith, full trust and obedience to God. God on the other hand requires us to have faith and he has been graceful with this by saying we only need to have mustard seed size faith, not even watermelon size faith. Just mustard seed. When we do, mountains will move!
God asks us to trust him and we know what comes with that from Job who declared he will continue to trust regardless! He had double the wealth he had by the end of his devastating trial.
The question is do you want to trust God and be on his watch, or would you rather be on your own watch with your limited understanding of life, people and the biggest factor that doing things your own way can give you the illusion that you have it all but you also miss it all! You miss eternity; a place of no more sorrow, pain or tears. The original factory settings God intended but Eve and Adam shattered for us. Are our methods, preferences, desires and urgent timing worth missing eternity for? What say you in this matter? Gods' watch or yours?
