The list was long, and the father laughed. The child wanted to do so many things. Some reasonable, some exciting, some full of adventure and thrill. Some were a flat out No! With the love the father had for his child, he made it a mission to work through this list and also add some of his own to give his beloved child full, heart-warming and loving memories. The child was so excited. While he didn’t always get his way, he remembered how his father had always helped him build sandcastles, taken him to amusement parks, made delicious cookies and told great stories. The very reason he created the long list was because he knew daddy could. The child wondered, of the many things on the list, which would be the one his father chose to do first. They were all exciting so either way it was a win-win situation.
The father in his wisdom, created an intricate plan of how, when, with who and a little remix of what. This child wanted to bungee jump under the sea for their 7th birthday yet they hadn’t learnt how to swim! The father decided he would still create an experience by the sea but they would not be going under. May be for his 21st birthday. The Father had extensive experience and skill as a scuba diver, so he would let the child attend classes later in life and definitely after he had learnt to swim. The plan to execute this long list was therefore a combination of what (the item on the list) and timing.
Not the child’s timing because they didn’t know better! Forget bungee jumping under the sea, asking to go under the sea when they can’t even swim! The father also decided who to involve to make the activities more fun and memorable. The whole family if it was a trip or excursion. Just the siblings, if it was ding dong ditch in the rain. Friends if it was hide and seek or slumber parties. Later on, when the child grew up, he could do tug of war with his colleagues. The father was very excited because he was sure the child thought he would do the list only with the father. The surprise was therefore not when the list would be executed but that there was more to the plan than the child could have ever written or dreamed of.
On their way home, the child was so excited and was replaying every single thing they had done on the list with excitement, happy dances in between the narrations, clapping of the hands and sometimes giving the father a tight squeezy hug because the execution far exceeded his imagination. He just couldn’t stop talking about it. The child was so excited, he didn’t see the stone in his path, he tripped and fell and continued talking about his experience, with even more excitement! “Are you sure you are ok?” the father asked. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. So anyway, once I was comfortable with the oxygen tank, I fell backwards into the water, just like you told me…” The child didn’t have time other than to talk about his adventures. The father chuckled and patted him on the back.
When they went home, the child disappeared for a while and came back with his laptop. He had transferred the list he had written to a spreadsheet. The child had his fathers’ trait of intricate record keeping. He had written when each activity was done, with who and also put a link to click and see any pictures that were taken. He scrolled down and looked at the father with a big smile “We’ve done all of them! We’ve literally done all of them!” The father responded, “Did you doubt that I wouldn’t make the list happen?” The child responded “You know what….I knew you could do it that’s why I made a long list” The father responded “so you believed in me?” The child responded, “I sure did!” as he smiled and turned off his laptop. The father responded “I’m very proud of you and I am very proud to be your father. Now that you’ve done everything on my list, please go to sleep my child.
Time after, when the fathers list for the world was done, he sent his other Son. “Please go and wake up my children, its time for them to wake up now.” The Son replied with a Great Big smile and unimaginable excitement because he had been waiting for this day more than anyone “Yes Father, May your will be done!”
The Son had already come once before and on that occasion, he came on his own. This time! with all the excitement he had, he came with a full squad. It was so full; heaven was left empty! The angels had also been waiting for this moment and had all packed up to escort the Son. The trumpet sound that was heard was like nothing of this world! Because it was from heaven! The children who had gone to sleep bid their graves goodbye, farewell, goodbye again, and good riddance! From here, it was onwards and upwards into not just heaven, but a place where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no more tears and no more death. The victory that was promised to them, was finally here and contrary to worldly belief, they could now begin their final chapter. A chapter that would never end because how does Eternity end?
The children’s families and friends who had mourned for them in incredible sorrow, grief and unimaginable pain, were finally reunited not just with them, but with the One responsible for destroying the very thing that had separated them all this time. And so, all the children and their loved ones who all believed! were always with the Lord, never to be separated again by the bed known as the grave.
God is Good, God is Great, God is the Ultimate Best because he promises rest both here and in Eternity.
Only Believe!
Related Verses
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
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Next Post out on 07/10/2023
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