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Four Ways


One thing I love is to travel. What I mean by that is leaving the airport on the other side and heading to the destination whether hotel or relative’s house. I am becoming more impatient with the airport experience. It is my dream that one day by faith, I will travel in a private Jet because after many years of travelling, I’m seeing …this ain’t it. You leave your house so early to get there on time, meaning you wake up early too. If I’m not travelling by private jet…yet, it means the tickets I go for tend to be cheaper in the morning. That means waking up early. Though I set my alarm, I am always worried “what if I’ve overslept and missed the flight” and you know how these airlines are not helpful in such times. I probably get 3 hours of sleep leaving me irritated. Airport travel increases that irritation.

I get there and sometimes I am so early that they haven’t placed on the board which zone to check in the bags. I have to go through the cycle of waiting and checking the board. Eventually they show the zone and now there is a long queue. Waiting again. One thing I am usually confident about 99% of the time is that my bags are within the baggage allowance. The few times my home scale has deceived me, the person checking me in has not said anything. Praise God! Next hurdle in this travelling steeple chase is security. Again, I am fully prepared for this process. When I get to the airport, I will make use of the funds from my ticket and pick up the see through sealable bags, place my liquids and proceed to yet another queue.

Different places will have different policies for security. Some annoyingly will have you take off your shoes, some won’t. There should be some A.I. to let you keep your shoes on. After organising my luggage to go, that’s when the security lottery begins for me. Will I be randomly selected to be patted down. Will the underwire of my bra pose a national or global threat to security that warrants me to be patted down or will one or all my hand luggage items be pulled over for extra checks? Again, I am confident in this process. It’s never been anything or sometimes it’s been the 4-inch heel from my shoe that has placed me as a suspect pending investigation.

Once this is done, I can rest. Indeed, rest for a while because there is probably another 2 hours left. I am not one for rushing last minute so though its an annoyance that I am becoming more impatient with, I still prefer it this way. At this point I make use of my loyalty card schemes and use the lounges to relax in a comfy place and have breakfast as I am now ready for that. After some time, I start that cycle of waiting and checking the board. Once it’s shown I begin the walk of going to the “promised land” aka the boarding gate, a whole journey in itself. Sometimes it’s so long you take the little train, and the scramble for all these many humans with their bags to get in begins. When you get to the gate either it’s the waiting game yet again or the long queue to board. The airport game is truly an exercise of waiting, patience and managing your emotions. The very challenges of life.

Last month when I travelled for a speaking engagement and went through the same process. This time, I drove myself to the airport because it would be cheaper to leave my car at the airport. When I arrived, the barrier wouldn’t open. I rang for help and told them I was 5 minutes early from my arrival time. The lady checked and told me, I had booked to park in the south terminal, and I was at the north terminal. Tracy! I don’t even know how I made that mistake because I had travelled 2 weeks before and had used that same terminal and the same process to book. Thankfully I had time to drive to the other terminal, park the car, get the bus shuttle back to the north terminal and begin the airport process. I did the usual steps all the way to the boarding gate. When I got there, the destination that was showing, wasn’t mine. I went to check on the nearest screen and it said the flight had been cancelled!

There was a mixer for the speakers later in the evening and I did not want to miss it. I had booked the early flight so I could settle and have time to prepare for the conference the next day. I heard a man shouting, “Anyone for Geneva?” and I said yes. There were other people with him, and he said I needed to go with him to a different gate and rebook the flight as it had been cancelled. I asked why, he said there was no crew for the flight! I hope they don’t have such shenanigans with private jets. He said the next flight was at 12 noon. It was around 5am at this time. My flight was for 6am so I had been at the airport by 430am and had left my house at 2am. I was running on 2 hours asleep, so I was not amused at this cancellation.

On reaching the desk and after queuing, we were told to go online and rebook ourselves! The 12-noon flight was already full so the next one was 5pm! Meaning I’d be in the airport for over 12 hours. We were directed how to leave the area. What we didn’t know was we would be leaving as if we had arrived in the country, so we had to go through passport control then ended up outside the airport! We then had to restart the process. I decided to make use of the lounge as thankfully I hadn’t used it before. When I scanned my new boarding pass, it wouldn’t let me in. I was told I was too early to go into security. It would only let me go through if my flight was in 6 hours’ time. Going back home was not an option. That meant I had to wait 3 hours to get through security to use the lounge. I went to an airport restaurant got breakfast and asked for the receipt because it would be on the airlines tab after I was done with my compensation letter.

I eventually got to the lounge which wasn’t the usual set up. There were so many people, the seats were canteen style and not lounge style. I looked around to see if anyone was leaving the booth style comfy seats. Someone left, and I settled myself for the long wait. I ate, slept, attended a zoom I had forgotten about and eventually it was time to start the cycle of checking the board. When I checked, it said the flight was delayed for another hour! That meant I’d have been in the airport 14 hours. I had another speaking event 3 days after this one and I had hoped to do more prep for it. I was so irritated, I decided not to prep. I eventually boarded my flight after the usual steps. On the boardwalk to the plane, they decided they were not ready, and we had to wait again. Can you see why my prayer is to one day travel by private jet?

Speaking of prayers, after all that, life continued and I continued to pray for the growth of my health coaching practice. I had a vision of how that growth would look like. It didn’t get to that vision, but God did do something. He wasn’t asleep, He didn’t go to Israel and Palestine and leave me to fend for myself. He knows I can’t, and he knows I am relying on him because truly there is no other way. My previous life experiences have shown me how I will fail and have failed when I haven’t included God in the mix and put him first. The worlds ways, worldly logic has never taken me to the place I want to get to. So because I recognise that nothing is too hard for God but most of all his love for me means that his desires for me are greater than my biggest dreams, I know the only way is to rely on him.

This week my testimony is that some required resources have come my way despite the practice not growing to the place that would warrant such resources. They have come from not one, not two, not three but four different sources. God has literally blessed me from the North, South, East and West, the same way my private jet (only by faith), will be travelling. In four ways, he has shown me he has been listening and he has been hearing. In four ways he has shown me, what I see will never match what I receive from him. In four ways he has driven the syllabus further of what faith is. In four ways he has shown me why I can never walk by sight! It will never match.

In four ways he has shown, he works in a realm that I can not see with these human eyes or human understanding. This is why the Excellent Book says lean not on your understanding. You can’t understand Gods’ ways. In four ways he has shown that life is not always what it seems. It looked like the practice was not meeting my vision, it looked like the prayers were not heard, it looked like God had gone from his desk to Pluto on annual leave. The way this world is going, I wouldn’t blame him for taking some time off. Thankfully he is an Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient God!

In four ways, God has shown me he will work things in ways I can never imagine yet still the very outcome I wanted from the prayer, I will get. Hallelujah! In four ways, he has shown he can use anyone around me, known and unknown, to answer my prayer. In four ways he has shown me that all the work I am doing is never in vain. In fact, just before I started writing this, I was thinking of another event I am hosting later on today. I put effort into it and into every event I do as if I am being paid and sometimes the result doesn’t match my effort. I was reminded that, that is not a bad thing. God has to trust me with small before he can trust me with more. If I remain faithful in this season, won’t he do exceedingly more in the next season?

This week I also realised something from my 10-minute club. Just like I’ve said in four ways God knows who to use as instruments for my gain, He is also using me as an instrument to help others beyond how I may think I have set out to help them. For me the 10-minute club is for people to destress, relax and have fun. This week God showed me that’s only part of the story. I was due to have a poet read her poems, but she couldn’t make it. I had prepped some Maya Angelou poems to read. My cousin Mark who is my forever supporter in my events attended. I came to find out he writes fantastic poems when he read his. My other forever supporter cousin, Tanya joined the club, and she too felt our cousin needed to do something with his poems. We discussed it and set up a plan. It was the best 10-minute club, and I am so excited for him.

God uses everything for a reason, far beyond the reason you think you are doing it for. He will use any and every situation for your good. That annoying, irritating, inconveniencing, opportunity-denying (I missed networking with the other speakers) airport experience was not in vain. God used it knowing the next month I would need some resources. The compensation I received was good because God only does Good things because he is a Good, Good Father, that’s who he is. Honestly, at the time I felt it was happening for some reason, but I thought may be the plane would have had an accident or something along those disaster lines, so that’s why God was blocking it. But nop! God just wanted to answer my prayers. In four ways and more this week, God has reiterated my slogan that will be for the rest of my life. God is Good, God is Great, God is the Ultimate Best!

Related Verses

1 Chronicles 16:34

Psalm 25:8

Ezra 3:11

Psalm 145:9

Mark 10:18

James 1:17

Matthew 7:11

Psalm 27:13

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Next Post out on 04 /11/2023

Events: Testimonies & Prayer

Last Saturday of the Month: 28th October 2023

Come and share Testimonies, be inspired, boost your faith and feel hopeful that Great things are coming your way.


16:00 UK

18:00 Kenya

11:00 Atlanta

08:00 Los Angeles

19:00 Dubai

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Breast Cancer Webinar

Elevate your health as we close out Breast Cancer Awareness Month with insights on cancer and practical prevention tips to reduce your risk.

31st October 2023

6pm-7pm UK

9pm-10pm Kenya

1pm -2pm Atlanta, USA

Details and registration here

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