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Eh! 2024!


Updated: Dec 27, 2024

The day before I wrote this, I heard 4 stories from people I know of how 2024 has been for them. Death of a dad, a dad with stage 4 cancer, a fire that has destroyed the house, a broken relationship where there are young children. In the spirit of your pain/feelings are valid, here is my testimony. As if 2024 wasn’t hard enough the ending came to slap me. The kind of slap that turns you around and takes you to the floor. There’s no time to rub your cheek while you are down there. You are in shock! It’s a bit ok, if you know the slap is coming but this! I didn’t see this coming and if I even wrote what happened, it would be like Jesus and his apostles’ ministries.

Some would believe me some would defiantly not believe me. Have you ever gone through something like that? I can give you the full details or I can give you the testimony. Allow me to give you the testimony of how God was preparing me for it. Off course I had no clue he was preparing me. This is exactly what God will perfectly do for you. Its later that you see what he was doing, how he was ordering your steps and how the pieces all come together.  They always come together.

It starts more than a year ago after my trip to Israel in 2023.  There was a flyer for a Caribbean cruise. I was surprised with the price, so I jumped in. The only thing was the trip was for November the following year! Though I’ve been a frequent traveller for many years, I have never booked a trip a year in advance let alone a year plus! The good thing was it gave me time to save (as a new business owner) for the payments which would be due, 4 months before the trip. To me, I was thinking it would be yet another holiday in my favourite elements, sun, sea and beach. There was more to it than that. The trip was with many members from the church I attend so on Sabbath days, church trips were organised. The last church trip I attended is where the testimony begins.

Within the preaching the pastor mentioned the situation in the world and church and how we needed to fast and pray. If my memory serves me right, because of the state of affairs of the world and church, he specified the drinking water only kind of fast for a specified time like 7 days.  The health disclaimer I wish to give is if you have any underlying condition(s), discuss any desire to fast from food, with your health care provider first. I absolutely believe in prayer and fasting. The basis is from the story where the disciples asked Jesus why they couldn’t cast a particular demon out from a boy who had been thrown into the fire amongst other horrendous things as a result of being demon possessed. Jesus’ response was that, that kind of demon could only be cast out by prayer.  

I didn’t know the cause, but I felt I needed to do that kind of praying and fasting that the preacher mentioned, considering how the year had been even while on that trip. I do fasts but will open the fast and have food. I have never done a fast with water only, but I was determined to do it. Drastic times require...No! drastic prayer! A fast with water only may sound to some as a hunger strike as one of my close friends said, but it is not. The motive for me was to fast and pray because only God can move and turn things around.

I was to begin my fast immediately after landing and for 7 days. I was not trying to waste time. The breakfast served was the unhealthiest breakfast I’ve ever seen. Pure sugar. A blueberry muffin, flavoured yoghurt, a breakfast bar and orange juice. I couldn't eat it. Knowing the consequences of that to the body, I knew I couldn’t start the fast. I don’t even know why I assumed I would get a decent meal on the plane. I also couldn’t start the fast because I was ill. There had been a cold bug going around during the last 2 days of the trip and despite my efforts it got me. I decided to start the fast once I got better.

During the convalescing and fasting period, every sermon I heard spoke exactly to the situation I was going through. I listen to a sermon in the morning and one in the evening and every single one of them for the past consecutive 12 days have been perfectly fitting to my needs. That’s how many sermons? Correct! All have fitted exactly with my situation. One of the ongoing issues I had was getting worse and it was evident that once I got better, I would definitely need to do the fast. That one, needed praying and fasting for sure. Despite seeing how God had already been perfectly delivering sermons, I prayed for God to direct me to a sermon because that particular day the weight of the issue was heavier. What do you think God did?

Off course he delivered! He is God! In addition to that, it was right there on the first page of YouTube and no, I had never watched that channel, for YouTube to then bring it on my feed. The next day I felt I needed more encouragement. What did God do? God is the God who never fails, never leaves you nor forsakes you! He did it again and again. That alone encouraged me to know that even in something like a sermon, God will hear you and deliver what you asked for. So off course he will work out the issue and all the other issues that have made me describe the year as Eh! 2024! The other revelation I got is this.

The sermons I watched were preached and uploaded months ago. One was done 4 months ago some were done in April 2024. This means or rather shows how God knew what I would be going through at the end of the year, so he spoke to his preachers’ who don’t know me at all, months in advance and gave them a word that would specifically help me in my situation. When I say specifically, I mean specifically. I did not interpret or deduce or extend or extrapolate the message to my situation. They all fit like my gloves. God is Great!

But that’s not the only revelation. I started the fast and after 24 hours I started struggling. I prayed for strength and went on for some more hours. I started to worry how I would last to day 7 and that was only day 1 going into day 2. I was not able to make it, and I prayed for God to accept my fasting and prayer thus far. What I know about God is he is a merciful and graceful God. I know he accepted it and didn’t dismiss me or my efforts.

I decided to adjust the fasting to my usual way but who is like God, I decided to see how I can push myself and praise God I was able to do 24 hours then eat. Remember my motive: Only God can turn my situation around. So, this is where me pushing myself came from. I need God to turn my situation around. But here is what he wanted me to learn in the many things to learn.

It hit me to heavy tears what Jesus did when he fasted 40 days and 40 nights. I knew he fasted for that period, but I didn’t KNOW. Here I was in the comfy house, thermostat-controlled environment, well me turning the heater on and off, winter fleece onesie, and no threat from any predator/animal. Jesus was in the desert, which can be scorching like Dubai in August at 42◦C plus. Jesus made it! But here is the revelation I am getting right now as I write this. Look at God!

Jesus knew how hard it was for me to do the fast because he has been there. The Excellent Book says at the end of his fast, Jesus was Very hungry! Me I was hungry on day 1 going to day 2. As I go through my issues, I know Jesus knows exactly what I am going through because he has been there. In addition to that he knows more about how I feel and what’s going on, more than I will ever know what’s going on with me. This is true because in researching videos for more support in my situation, I got to see that I didn’t even know the gravity of what was going on. But God did.

This is why he started out with a trip to Israel in 2023, so I could then see the flyer for the cruise, then go on the cruise, go to the church in St Lucia, hear the preaching on fasting, decide to fast, fast, adjust the fast, intend to come and share the testimony of how God is a precise, specific and excellently caring God, and in the process of sharing my written testimony, get the revelation that he really Understands what I am going through and have gone through this year. I said at the beginning the details of this one issue can split people into those who believe me and those who don’t.

So, look at God, making sure I know, he as Sovereign God, not only believes me but knows more of how I feel, than I do. With all God knows about my situation and feelings, will he sit still and say “Ok, that’s good to know” and do nothing?  No, he absolutely will not! In the Excellent Book he says I am not to fear, for he is with me and there has been evidence of that, not that I should need evidence. We walk by faith not by sight. Sight is mightily deceptive. People don't look like they have issues, but we all do!

God also says I should not be dismayed; another translation says discouraged and discouraged I have been. Even in those verses written and translated how many yonks ago, God knew there would be day(s) I would need that encouragement. He goes on to say, and I jumble it up all the time, he will help me, strengthen me and uphold me with his victorious right hand.

My Favourite and Best Big Brother and Best friend Jesus, said, in this world you will have tribulation but fear not for he has overcome the world. So, between the Victorious right hand of God and the Fact that Jesus has overcome the world, even if 2025 comes with other Eh! 2025! problems, what have I to fear?  All I know is God is with me, God is Bigger, God is Mightier than these issues and through him, I have Already got the victory, during all stages of the issues/challenges/problems.

Some may say this is toxic positivity. What I know is that The Emmanuel says if you have Faith (size of a mustard seed), you will say move, and the mountain will move! Let me hang on his garment even if its a thread. So as my Naija bredren will say, Abeg, leave me with my faith in Jesus because Nothing! is too hard for the Lord. Aaaaaaamen!

I wish you a Mightily Blessed, Faith Moving 2025 In Jesus name!

 Related Verses

Genesis 18:14

Jeremiah 32:27

Isaiah 41:10

John 16:33

Mark 9:17-29

Hebrews 13:5

Proverbs 16:9

Psalm 32:8

Isaiah 58:11

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Hazel Lewis
Hazel Lewis
Dec 27, 2024

Such an encouraging, powerful testimony. Thank you for sharing your encounter and understanding of the tangible awareness of God's presence with you. 🤗

It is such a timely reminder of how much we are truly loved by our Father in heaven most profoundly demonstrated by the power of love, faith, endurance/long-suffering, in the miracles and goodness manifested in the 33 years Jesus Christ dwelt amongst men in the flesh. His spirit and good works continue to live on in His children

Your testimony is evidence that whenever we truly believe Jesus, trust him with all our heart (by faith) He will manifest himself in our very own lives.

Thank you Sister Tracy for encouraging us to know the word, to…


Dec 26, 2024

Wow! Tracy....what a wonderful and encouraging testimony. God bless you for this.

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