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5am Tantrum!: Soothe My Soul (Part 2)


Updated: Oct 1, 2023

From time to time people I know send me messages of how God is working in their lives. Yesterday a friend of mine shared with me how during her recent hospital visit she saw Gods' hand in so many ways. I asked her is there anywhere you didn't see his hand? she said No. That's not surprising because we know God does big things like take care of you during surgery, rehabilitation and recovery. But here is the thing and this was my friends' testimony, yes he helped her in the major ways. For starters, she is here and able to tell me her story! Then there are the other ways.

The night before the surgery she asked God for certain things. Each and everyone of them, God answered! Hallelujah! What makes the testimony special for her is because to someone else the things she asked for would seem miniscule and even "ridiculous". Nevertheless! This kind God answered each and everyone of them because he cares about the things you feel are small and ridiculous that sometimes you may even decide not to pray for. My friends' testimony and my encouragement from my own testimonies, is pray about those "little" things that are bothering you too because God will hear them and answer them. The other day I thought they are not little because if they go wrong....

As she shared that I told her just before we started chatting, I had asked Jesus to help me with the potatoes I was baking because they were not looking promising. True to his word that he cares for you and is the reason he asks you to cast your burdens onto him, my potatoes were delicious and I had a second serving. Yes, regardless of where on the spectrum your burden is, high traumatic burden all the way to unpromising roasted potatoes, God cares about them all and he will do a good thing for you because nothing is too hard for him! Not surgery and not potatoes. Hallelujah!

Some weeks ago when I was on a very much needed 2 night break, I had a sermon by one of my favourite Pastors, Michael B Kelly II saying we need to take Daudi's example of asking God to search our hearts. Everyday that has been my prayer and again True to his word, God has been revealing somethings to me that I believe will help me uncover some of the mysteries of my life and continue that path and journey of healing to become whole. There are also some questions I have asked God time to time and True to his word he has been answering them. One thing about God is he is True to his word. He is not like the sons of pharaoh or Adam who lie.

The day I was having my tantrum for waking up at 5am, later on that day I had sought medical advice for something I had noticed on my body. I eventually was advised to go to A&E. I had been to this particular one so I was familiar with the set up and wasn't worried about that. 20 minutes after arriving I was attended to by the nurse. Look at God because A&E is not usually that quick. After that I was advised to go and see a Doctor. That too wasn't such a long wait, about 1 hour and 20 minutes. I used that time to start writing part 1 of this post. I had carried my laptop just in case I had to stay overnight. I had a conference I was speaking at in a few days time, and wanted to continue preparing for it. I totally understand why ignorance is bliss because my healthcare background sometimes won't let me rest. My name was called and I went to see the Doctor.

I have really been blessed when I have gone to this particular A&E. The first time was when my Long Covid journey began. The doctor who saw me was fantastic. Doctors get a bad rep and my advice is just like any human, not all are bad. The doctor had carried out all the tests possible to try and figure out what was going on. He also told me covid wasn't showing up on x-rays as expected for black people. To hear a white doctor recognise and acknowledge that and give me the care he did, was very soothing to the soul especially at that time. This other visit was no different, but in a different way.

The doctor was black and he too had excellent bedside manners. What was different was the conversation during the consultation. He had asked me what I did and when I mentioned Health Coach and that led into an interesting discussion which ended with him seeing the value of health coaching. Remember earlier in this blog I mentioned I had been asking God some questions about my life. I should know better by now that if I ask questions, God will answer, in his own time yes but nevertheless, he will answer.

During the consultation the conversation then went in to the direction of women's' health, because my issue was around that and naturally led to my dating life. I believe a good doctor or healthcare practitioner is one who is able to look at you as a whole. The doctor gave me encouragement for my dating life in a beautiful way and in alignment with my faith even though I had not mentioned my faith or how it is important to me, neither had he asked or even shared his own belief. Apparently our beliefs were the same.

His encouragement and advice wasn't the usual for that reason. It fit exactly with my beliefs but it was answering the question I had asked God not long ago. A question I have not shared with any human being! How did this doctor then know exactly what to say to me in this regard, when I had not told him any single thing about my situation other than I am single. His advice and encouragement poured into me in a way I know for sure that was God speaking through him. Only God!

When my friend was telling me about the "ridiculous" things she asked for, I just smiled because I know God hears and he listens. I shared with her my story of how I know God listens to our cares, hearts and concerns from the conference I recently spoke at. Something didn't go as I wanted to in terms of scheduling and it wasn't in mine or the organisers control. Nevertheless, I still felt helpless and I just wanted to cry in that moment but I couldn't, I was in a conference. The Excellent Book says there's a time for everything. While I am very pro-crying, that space wasn't it. I had a mission and it wasn't complete and in that moment I was reminded that God can make any mission complete in his own way and he doesn't need me! Just because I wasn't able to, doesn't mean he won't be able to. That soothed me and that night I prayed and asked God to make a way because for me, there was not going to be a way, the moment and the people had "gone".

The next day as I was travelling back from Switzerland, I was listening to the sermon I had missed from my church, while I was at the conference. Pastor Daly said this. Before I say that, God is showing up to help me as he always, faithfully does. I've gone to hear the precise wording and the YouTube clip is already at that mark yet the video is 3 hours 48 for the whole church service! Only God! "God knows everything that you are dealing with...He understands the sigh that you sigh. He interprets, that sigh, he interprets the tears, he interprets the things that no one can understand or interpret in our human communication, he Understands it!" (sermon clip below). Through this message God was reassuring me, he saw the potential tears at the conference and he understands. Soothing to my soul. Truly the God of ALL Comfort.

I feel like I'm in a church so, Brethren/ Bredren! God knows! That is the 2 word phrase my friend and I kept repeating yesterday in our chat. God knows and he LISTENS! When I woke up with my tantrum at 5am that day, I had no idea All of the things God had planned for me that day. The Jackie hill message which is in line with search me Lord and tell me what I need to do better. He showed me, my decision making process needed amendment.

The song I then heard immediately after "Mourning to Dancing" by The Unveiled ft Manuchie, was to soothe my soul and reassure me Fabulous times are coming i.e., God will turn this planting season into harvest, from mourning into dancing. In addition to that, he knows the encouragement and reassurance I need from him and he will use anyone (doctor) or any situation (medical issue) in my day, to let me know, he hears me and there is nothing wrong with me. What I am saying is God is Good, God is Great, God is the Ultimate Best!

Related Verses

Psalms 108:13

Exodus 34:6

Isaiah 41:13

Isaiah 43.2

Matthew 6:4

Psalm 145:8-10

1 Peter 5:6-7

Romans 8:28

Isaiah 43:19

Psalm 37:23-24

Jeremiah 33:3

NB: When reading verses, it is always best to read the entire chapter and even the ones before and after to get the full context.

And Yes I want you to read the Bible, this is how we Grow.

To get your free download of "Read Your Bible Everyday Planner" add your email address on the link below

Link to sermon "The God of All Comfort" click below

It starts from marker 1:23:46

Next Post out on 07/10/2023

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