I realize part 2 of the previous post is pending, but we have to interrupt the regular scheduling and talk about this new development.
How do you give a testimony of how you have revolved around the sun 39 times and are starting the 40th revolution? I can’t is the simple answer. Will it stop me from trying, NEVER! If there is one thing I am committed to, so long as the Spirit of God has given me breath in my alveoli and capillaries, is to share my testimony of how God loves to show off in his favour, kindness and Love. I can’t do it the justice it deserves, but I will try, so here goes.
This marks the best time of my life. In human terms there is something gravely wrong with that statement. My dad as I testified in my other post (The Greatest Testimony of My Life) was brutally murdered, a case that people know who were involved, but we have never seen them go through the “justice” system, not just any system but a Kenyan one, so you know that’s a wrap. However! It is only on earth where we have not “seemingly seen” them have justice, but that doesn’t mean they haven’t had justice served to them in some way. Hallelujah, sound the tambourine!
In general terms when God says leave revenge to him, he knows why. There is no revenge that is like Gods'. If you revenge, you are more likely to get hurt, or get your loved ones hurt whether its physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. Besides with the measly powers a human has compared to God, what would make you believe you could do it better? With this knowledge I apply it to justice for my dad. There is no one who can give justice like God, and I am very comfortable and relieved with that because the Battle is the Lords!
The Excellent Book also says there is no peace for the wicked. How do you know when a person has no peace? Sometimes you don’t know, and this is why I can rely on the fact that God has had his way in this matter and in that case some or all justice has indeed been served. I am not saying not to pursue Justice. Most of these justice systems are corrupt so especially when you don't get a just verdict, rest in the fact that God has the final Say and Way. You only have to read the Old Testament in the Excellent Book to see God is not for play play, as my favourite puppet Keisha Jones would say. Then you only have to read the New Testament to see that God is not for play play when it comes to his children. He is not for play play that he can lay his life for people he knows full well, will do the very same thing he is saving them from. My people, what is wrong with us?
Nevertheless, He heals, he restores, and, in the end, he resurrects, and we get to live the real happily ever after, not the Disney one. Even that is such an understatement because eyes haven’t seen, ears haven’t heard what God is going to do for us both here in the land of the living and in Eternity. If we were to sit in a committee of speculation or in an inquiry (like the multiple bonoko (fake) ones they did for my dad’s murder, which were just tick box exercises as nothing would be done), we would never get the reality or feel what eternal life has for us. Hallelujah!
So, with the greatest earthly loss in my life and one that in my 30s has made me discover the emotional consequence of not having a dad present in my life, how can I then say this period is the best time of my life. When God says, is anything too hard for him in the Excellent book, he is not playing, and I have the proof not just in saying my childhood was the best but my whole life has just been about God showing off who he is. Forget how a peacock can show off its feathers. That Not even in the same sphere!
Why was my childhood the best time? I had fun, fun and more fun. Memories and memories and many excellent memories that prevent/prevented me from dwelling on the harsh reality of this age. In fact, I had so much fun that it has honestly been a disappointment that adult hood is not as fun as childhood. I have my own pocket money but I'm not having THAT kind of fun? Truly money is not everything. Driving is not everything. I love my holidays and I can't believe I'm going to say, even holidays are not all that. The fun in childhood is different.
Being the only child did not stop that fun. I have seen in various social media posts how only-children found their childhood lonely etc, and this has impacted their adult lives. As the only child, my testimony is that only by God’s doing and all of who he is, definitely not me, loneliness was not something I experienced. I realise I should have, but my life’s testimony is that this Beautiful Loving God has spared me from a lot of “should have’s”.
From the traumatization (as Shenneneh would say), that I should have, following my dad’s brutal murder (details in The Greatest Testimony of My Life post), to having the best childhood, with me having my cake and eating it all, is only God! Speaking of cake, I had beautiful cakes in the form of birthdays which were filled with fun golden memories and probably the reason why birthdays are a big deal to me.
My testimony is that God knew what he was doing when he made me as the only child. I got the best of both worlds, and I wouldn’t have it any other way, Thank you, Jesus! I have seen sibling issues in different scenarios, and you only have to look at Cain with Able. I enjoyed my me-time from an early age, that now in my adulthood when it is deemed as a necessity, I have no problem with that because I’ve been doing that from when I was a little tot. It has played a significant part in my single life in that it has made me a go getter because I understand if I don't do it for me, who will? who will? I don’t wait for this or that or a quorum to do what I want. It can be from simple things such as buying a nice indoor outfit, if you get my drift, to going on trips with my favourite crew who I can rely on, me, myself and I.
Being single has not been the struggle I know it should be (again another should have) because all the while God was preparing me for later life with the syllabus of being an only child. And that is one of the constitution elements of my life’s testimonies. All I have experienced has been preparation for what is to come. Off course I never knew what was to come and never even thought some of these syllabuses as I call them were even a syllabus. The reason I had the best childhood was because God knew what he was doing. He planted me in the womb of a mom who came from a large family of many siblings, which meant I was surrounded by 19 cousins.
A bunch of us were around the same age, so we had sleep overs, played blind man bat, hide and seek, cha mama mama (playing house) and all the regular things kids do. Then I repeated this with my friends from the neighbourhood. Then repeated this with my school friends. What a great privilege that God has made it possible that, some of these friends are still in my life up to this day, welcoming me to 4th floor (40) and reassuring me that it’s the best floor.
And where in the case of my cousins where one is patiently waiting for the resurrection, this Creator and Father of mine has given me Great hope that her sleep is not permanent. As a sermon I heard put it, He has spoken to her resting place and given precise instructions, that she is only on transit. Her resting place shouldn’t get any funny ideas because He is coming to wake her up one day. So, when the devil is lying saying how death is the end and final, he knows my reaction will be Liar! Liar! pants will definitely be on fire when this sinful life is over, and his lame game is destroyed for good! I will meet my dad and cousin, on that beautiful day and what a day of rejoicing that will be. PRAISE GOD! Insert dancing emoji.
God makes the impossible possible and that is how my childhood becomes the best years of my life, when all things considered it shouldn’t. Why? Two reasons.
First of all, He was my father before I knew, and he continued when I still didn’t know, and I know my late earthly dad would understand when I say God has been the Best Father I could have in the existence of my life. He has done nothing but provide and protect especially from unseen dangers. The REAL Provide, Protect, Profess, my sisters (and brothers) who have been in the Think Like A Man book club, know what I'm talking about. Let’s take a moment to hear a word from the blog’s sponsor. The man who gets to come into my life, so we can prepare for eternity together amongst other earthly things, needs to know God has spoilt me and I am not settling. End of commercial break.
My Father in Heaven has taken care of my spirit and existence, in a way that I can share this testimony of my childhood being the best, in the year I have seen 4th floor. Something not many get the privilege to see. In addition to that, I fully recognise and acknowledge the privileges God has given me. All are precious in his sight and God has made sure to bless me with this Divine right. The right to his blessings even when I am, millions of light years away from full and consistent obedience. Secondly, God is Good, God is Great, God is the Ultimate Best. No explanation and elaboration needed. But you know what, I think I should elaborate more when I continue the next year groups on the next post.
Subscribe to get alerts when the next post is out because clearly, I also don't know when they will be out.
Related verses
2 Chronicles 2:15
Isaiah 48:22
1 Corinthians 2:9
Genesis 18:12
Psalm 139:2–3
Psalm 139:4
Galatians 5:20
Ephesians 4:32
Philippians 4:13
Ephesians 3:20
Philippians 4:5-7
Matthew 19:26

I love how your love for God pours out of your words as I read them.
Continue to dwell in His embrace my sister. May His wisdom continue to guide you,Amen!!