“Failing to truly show up is the root of why so many people don’t get what they want in life. … It brings more of you to the table… heightens intent... even as life takes its own course, we’re better able to achieve, persuade and get into whatever winner’s circle we seek” Marcy Axelrod (Quirk, 2021). I mentioned in a previous post (Masterclass) that greatness is defined as doing what God has called you to do. The Excellent Book also says every good thing comes from God. When I think of these two things, I know any good idea that comes to me is not from me but from God. I also know that regardless of the outcome, so long as I am doing and executing what I believe he has led me to do, I am not only walking in his direction but in greatness.
For my health coaching practice some good ideas have been coming to me and when I am planning the execution, they seem like ideas that will bring fruit. Some have been online events in areas that I believe in theory may help people with their overall health. In practicality, no one shows up for the events. I have been tempted to stop them but from the place I got the guidance to do these activities, I have not received further instruction to stop them just because I am not seeing any fruit or feel discouraged, so it looks like I must continue.
As I am writing this, I’ve remembered the story of Noah when he was building the ark. He told people to come in and they wouldn’t do so. If Noah had decided not to go into the ark because people were not responding the way he wanted, not only would they all have been wiped out, but it also means all the stories in the Excellent Book and events that happened after would not have taken place! The Excellent Book would have ended in Genesis 6:21! A whole Chapter 6.
Noah's obedience in an activity, not that big, I mean how complex is it to build an ark in the grand scheme of things, (says the one who is reluctant to do DIY of small furniture) led to the many generations that came after him. God didn’t tell him to go and do individual Bible study with every person or baptismal classes, convert them, baptise them, make sure they walk on the straight and narrow and get them in to the ark. That’s why I say the activity was not that big in the grand scheme of things.
This is also encouraging that some of the things I am asked to do are not that taxing in the grand scheme of things. Truly truly, God gives us what he knows we can handle. Many people in the Excellent Book who didn’t believe they could do what God called them to do, did exactly what God had told them to do. They may have taken a long route like Jonah but in the end they did it! This is also telling us; we are quite capable of doing what God tells us to do. Hopefully we take a shorter route and not one that involves going under the sea in an Airbnb in the form of the belly of a fish.
The obedience part of Noah's story is the big deal because it is not easy to do something God has asked you to do, and you are not seeing any fruit come out of it. In fact, it’s discouraging, but through Gods’ help, I have showed up anyway to these events. My testimony from this week is that God knows why he directs us in a certain path or task. Everything he does is orderly and there is no mistake. Just because I am not seeing fruit doesn’t mean the task is a mistake and that I should stop it. If I am doing it in the wrong way, I believe he will direct me to refine and adjust it because he wants me to win!
Most of all he doesn’t tell us to do something to fail. Read that again. God is not malicious; he is not a sadist. He thinks so highly of us and loves us so much that he sacrificed his ONLY son for us. So why then would he set you up to do something you would fail in? The sacrifice of his son is bigger than anything because it’s the greatest thing he has done for us and we didn’t even ask for it! So if he can do something so Grand and loving like that, without us praying and fasting for our debt to be paid, why wouldn’t he help us in these mediocre tasks, we feel will take us to earthly success?
God sets us up to win regardless of whether we see we are winning or not. In fact, you will never know how you will win, but if its God who directed us, and that’s the key word, if God directed us, then we must believe we will win! Thank you, Jesus! The Excellent book is filled with stories of people who did what God told them to do, and they won. The Excellent book is also filled with stories of people who did not do what God asked them to do and that is why they failed epically and miserably. They did things their own way. When we do things our own way, we must fail! Rehoboam and his disobedient crew in 2nd Chronicles tell us clearly what happens when we don’t walk in greatness, i.e., when we don’t act in obedience to God. What I am learning is that even though I feel justified to discontinue something because I am not getting fruit, if God hasn’t told me to discontinue, I must continue.
A week ago, I had an online event, and I was prepared for no one to show up, but I knew I had to. I also prayed; God let your will be done, exact words. No one showed up. 20 minutes later someone showed up to support me in her exact words. I had not told her anything about the previous events and non-attendance. In fact, this is the first time I am disclosing this information that for some of my events, no one shows up. On the first day of this month, I had 2 rejections from some opportunities I had pursued. One response really irritated and annoyed me because he had not understood what I was asking for and took it as something else. There is one thing I hate and its one of my “things” and its being misunderstood. That can take me to a place of defence, but it doesn't help and is pointless, so I no longer participate in conversations where I have to defend myself. Old me would have sent a message back but new me did not respond. Thank You Jesus!
On that first day of the month after those rejections, I asked God to please align me with people who want to work with me and people who will be good for me. This month I have changed the way I am doing certain things as well as letting God take the reign, because when I do it out of “drive” “determination” “grit” “go getter” it’s like expecting fruit from a rock! The reason is I am not trusting and surrendering fully to God and I am leaning on my strengths when I should lean on him because in any case my strengths come from him.
Two days later that’s when Eve shows up to support me! Look at God! She is a mindset and wellness coach so we are in the same general coaching field. After our non-work- related discussion she then asked if I would want to join her in doing a webinar in preparation for world suicide prevention day. I said yes! We did the talk last night. It was good and from that its’ inspired me to do another webinar tomorrow for world suicide prevention day, which is not something I would have thought of doing before. I am excited to see what God has planned.
If I didn’t show up to my event last weekend, when Eve showed up, I would have missed her. I would have closed the door to the possibility of collaborating with her on the webinar last night! Out of discouragement, I would have missed an opportunity just like that! Look at God! I have been working so hard to collaborate with other people and God has shown me, "TPA, just relax! I will bring the right ones to you, and literally!"
I also had a talk with a women’s group during the week. Traffic was horrible and I asked Jesus, please let me get there on time. Its my first talk with them, I can’t be late. I reached with 10 minutes to spare. My friend who had organised for me to speak to the group had just gone to get the keys for the entrance, when I got there. We waited about 20 mins for people to come in, so where I was panicking that I would be off to a not so good start due to tardiness, God covered me yet again. He also covered me in a major way because I overstayed in the parking by 2 hours! and I didn't get a ticket! That's not the first time, that's happened in that ticket hot spot but next time, I will make arrangements.
Seeing how God is hearing and answering me and working in his many ways and many thoughts that are above us, I am going to relax literally and in faith. I am taking 2 weeks out of building my practice to relax. I have to pause my go getter-ness self and let God exude his faithfulness more, because it looks like I may be holding him back. I also must continue to show up in the tasks he has directed me to do regardless of the outcome.
Please note, sharing this story is purely for testimony purposes and not for pity-attendance. I am encouraging all of us to continue to be obedient even when we are not seeing fruit. In fact don't expect fruit because you just don't know what the outcome will be like in my story. I never would expected for a collaboration to be the outcome when no one turned up for the event. I was expecting to give and not receive!
The talk for the women also had someone in the audience who approached me to see if I would be interested in collaborating with what she does with other health coaches! You never know who is watching! When I set up my WhatsApp reminder list, I put that the events would be ones I was hosting or co-hosting. I hadn't co-hosted but 2 weeks later, I co-hosted! Look at God! So sometimes we are expecting fruit when we may get water and water quenches so that you may not thirst and if its the Living waters, you know you will Never thirst again! Hallelujah!
Two weeks ago, the verse “Be Still and see the salvation of the Lord” kept playing in my head. I get that sometimes with verses and many times with songs. They just play repeatedly in my mind when I haven’t even read or sang the song in yonks. So, as I take a much-needed break from practice building activities, that will be my theme, “Be Still and see the salvation of the Lord”. It is also my encouragement to you as the new month continues. We are all going to win not just here but in eternity because God is Good, God is Great, God is the ultimate Best! Hallelujah!
Related verses
James 1:17
Genesis 6:21
Genesis 6:8-21,
Genesis 7,8,9, 10
Jonah 1:17
1 John 2:5-6
1 Corinthians 1:9
Psalm 66:17-20

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World Suicide Prevention Day Discussion 10th Sept 2023.

Next post on: 16/09/2023